·      When someone experiences a significant family loss, it's common for them to feel overwhelmed, disoriented, or unable to process the traumatic information. As time passes, individuals may exhibit different emotions and behaviors. However, understanding the typical responses that follow a disaster or other traumatic event can help individuals manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. To improve emotional well-being and regain a sense of control following a disaster, individuals can take a few steps, including caring for their emotional and physical health, seeking social support from loved ones and community resources, finding healthy ways to cope with stress, recognizing and accepting their emotions, and creating a plan of action for dealing with future crises, as well as:

·      Allowing yourself time to adapt

·      Seeking assistance from individuals who care for you and are willing to listen and understand your situation

·      Sharing your story with others

·      Looking for a local support group that is led by qualified and experienced professionals

·      Practicing healthy behaviors to improve your ability to handle stress, such as maintaining regular sleep patterns, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and spending time with friends or staying connected with them

·      Create or reinstate regular habits